Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Light Rod, Light exhibit

Light Rod

In this assignment I really wanted to explore the concept of total internal reflection. This is the concept that when light goes from a denser medium to a less dense medium it bends but when at a certain angle light will be reflected.

This is the the concept that fiber optic cables are based on.

I first started playing with different containers and different mediums in the containers. The coolest was oil and water because you could see the light bend in the oil.
I settled on the light rod ideas because you could see multiple reflections happening inside the tube.
I also liked the idea of the user bending the rods to see how different bends effect the light reflections.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed seeing the laser paths bouncing in the water and as everyone seems to agree, lasers help give an exhibit a 'wow' factor somehow! I liked how you paralleled the fiber optic cables piece with the tank to demonstrate the same idea in different forms and let one clarify what's going on in the other by simplifying the interaction/complexity
