Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Polyethylene not wax

We found this artist Roxy Paine who creates art-making machines. One of them makes big piles of a red substance which looks like wax at first sight, but apparently it's polyethylene plastic.  It reminded me of Bryan's recent prototype.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! What an interesting artist. He has many bio-related pieces (fungi and trees especially), so Bryan, you might find that relevant too.

    I found this one particularly interesting: http://roxypaine.com/Unexplained-Object-2005 partially because it's a bit offbeat and eerie in a way, partially because it reminds me a bit of the excerpt from Le Petit Prince http://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2011/02/dzn_Le-Petit-Prince-Nursery-School-by-Carlos-Barba-211.gif
