Saturday, March 15, 2014

Wax Waterfall Penultimate Prototype

It works!

After taking a step back and figuring out all the technical aspects - buying a bigger transformer, playing with the wiring, and re-machining the crayon melters - I was able to get what I feel is a very exciting and mesmerizing prototype.  I played around with it and had housemates test it out and they ended up staying for over an hour, while it gave me some feedback for tomorrow's last machining session.  Tomorrow, I will remake the terraces out of aluminum, rebuild the backing and lasercut the case. All the work seems to be paying off!

Pictures from user testing

With acrylic case added, base rebuilt and aluminum terraces

With the label I wanted to keep it simple an focus the user's attention on the exhibit.  I may want to add a graphic to show where users can insert crayons.


  1. This looks absolutely amazing.
    The texture kind of reminds me of polished stone, and I can't get over how nice the colors blend together.
    Have you tried using a piece of white acrylic instead on the bottom though?
