Friday, March 14, 2014

It's Done! Final Photos of Dichroics Cube

Title: Dichroic Infinity Scape

Label will be above the cube, at standing eye level. Cube will be on the table, at sitting eye level.

Knobs for turning the strings. 

There are four knobs, and each string has three hanging filters.

Front view. I varied the heights of the filters so that the two inches of space between each filter was occupied by a filter on another string at that height. This way the viewer sees a more constant block of color from the front. 

Side view. I lined all four strings up with the light source, so that all twelve filters would get as much perpendicular light as possible. 

I used a vinyl sticker to make the white inner panel.

I'm using the same light source as I was originally. The button panel and LEDs are still there, and I hope that people will turn them on first, and turn the meg-light on last for the full effect.

I'm really happy with how much more saturated the color is with a single white panel and a stronger, more diffuse light source.

A picture from my first iteration to compare to.

Some of these pictures are taken with the strings in motion, and others are taken with them at rest. 


1 comment:

  1. SO BEAUTIFUL! I love what you did with the knobs.

