Friday, March 14, 2014

Can You Make Glasses Sing? Final Prototype

Here it is!

After two anticipation-filled weeks I was finally able to get on the laser cutter and finish my acrylic casing. The case is now permanently sealed and the glasses are permanently fixtured to the base to prevent wiggling. 

In case you can't read the bottom-most caption for the figure, it says: "When exposed to vibration, the circular glass deforms slightly, oscillating quickly between a slightly taller and thinner ellipse and a slightly shorter and wider one." 

The actual sign will be twice this size (as it appears on the template document) and mounted on foam core, but it will appear in the location shown (right above the glasses). The view from above:

You can see here that the rims peek out about 1cm-half an inch so that the casing doesn't make it difficult for the user to execute the correct motion. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice way of figuring out how to make it safe!
