Friday, March 7, 2014

Seeing Beyond the Spectrum/Anamorphosis

Seeing Beyond The Spectrum


My biggest challenges have been getting a handle on how the electronics work in order to refine the quality of the image.  I just need more time to play with the technology and test out different light conditions.  The image was great for a prototype, but needs to be much more intense for a final exhibit.  

User Feedback

My biggest take-away from being on the floor was that having two boxes (one with visible light and one with infrared light) just created confusion.  Most of the kids just stuck their hand in the box with visible light because the other one looked dark inside.  The kids got excited about just seeing their hand normally on screen and totally overlooked the excitement of infrared.  I realized it would make more sense to just have the box be in a lit area so the viewer could see their other hand in person if they wanted to compare. 

Another unexpected issue was that the hand spots were at eye level for some kids which made them look inside the box rather than stick their hands in the box

A side note (not sure if I’m interested in including this) was that a lot of viewers really wanted to take pictures of their hand.  Some of the kids would touch the screen as if it were a touch screen trying to capture the image. 

I also saw a lot of potential for improved explanations.  The kids enjoyed the experience alone, but people that spent time at the exhibit wanted to know more about what was happening.  

Environment Changes

I think my piece might be more inviting if it’s in a lit area.  It’s best if there isn’t too much light, but I think sticking your hand into a dark hole in an already dark corner of the room is a bit intimidating.  I do think that it’s important that the piece be displayed against a wall to streamline the interaction to the front side with the screen.  If it couldn’t be against a wall I would probably try to encompass the entire thing in a bigger box to make the front interaction the obvious entry point. 

Changes for Friday 

I am definitely going to take away the box that allows you to view your hand under visible light.  That just seemed unnecessary and it confused the interaction.  I am going to work on tweaking the brightness and contrast of the camera and will also add more IR LEDs in hopes of making the image more clear and impactful. 

I also want to explore more explanations of the phenomenon through labeling. 



I didn't work much on refining this prototype, but just brought it to see how people responded. There haven't been many challenges with this prototype.  

User Feedback

Users got really excited when the objects came into focus, it definitely had a WOW factor and worked well for people of all ages.  People were, however, very tempted to pick up the cylindrical mirrors.  Some people also struggled to get the piece into focus and spent some time flipping it around.  

Environment Changes

I would put black under the pieces and behind the pieces to get a better environment to draw focus into the models.  

Changes for Friday 

I think I'm going to put my energy towards the IR piece, but if I were to make changes I would print out more extremely morphed objects like the hand that don't allow people to figure out what they are before they see them in the mirror. 

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